5 Severe Plumbing Issues that Cause Serious Health Problems

Living in a house or an apartment in a large city like Sydney doesn’t come without setbacks. With thousands of people living in multiple residences, there are bound to be plumbing issues caused due to clogging, leaking, heating, water pressure etc., leading to unwanted damages to the property. Whether it is a house or an office space, old or new, consistent maintenance of the plumbing system is essential to avoid unexpected emergencies. Services offered for plumbing in Upper North Shore Sydney, with licensed experts, are available 24 x 7 for those who require it.

How Lack of Plumbing Maintenance Affects Health

Centuries ago, people were suffering from cholera, dysentery, typhoid and other water-borne diseases due to poor plumbing design and lack of maintenance. Due to the advancement in technology and expert services provided by plumbers, these issues are almost non-existent now in cities like Upper North Shore Sydney. However, there definitely is a risk of contamination caused due to specific issues resulting in damage or illness.

1. Cross Connections Between Clean and Waste Water Pipes

The pipelines carrying the waste-water can contaminate the clean water with bacteria when there is an issue of back-pressure. When the water pressure drops due to breakage, it creates a vacuum letting the contaminants flow into the pipe. This contamination can occur anywhere including in washing machines, dishwashers and swimming pools. This could lead to severe issues since they are used by people every day.

2. Mould Developing in Leaky Spaces

Mould is an organism that thrives in moist and dingy places like rooftops, bathrooms, kitchens and basements where water leaks are more likely to occur. If not taken care of, it could cause serious health issues ranging from a simple headache and a runny nose to major respiratory problems like sinus infections and asthma attacks.

3. High Level of Acidity in the Water

Pipes made of lead, copper or zinc, face corrosion due to the low pH level of water. Water from these pipes, when consumed, could taste metallic or sour and cause unwanted stains in the laundry, dishes, sinks and drains. Apart from damaging the pipes and appliances, intake of acidic water could cause damage to the kidney or the liver and gastrointestinal issues.

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4. Defects Due to Improper Plumbing Installation  

One often sees houses with water patches on the wall or muddy water running in the taps. Neglects during the plumbing system’s installation process could cause defects in the pipes, valves, vacuum breakers and other areas. This could lead to spillage or cross-contamination and the formation of air gaps causing damage to the house.

5. Usage of Lead Pipes

Although people used lead for plumbing work in the older times, research shows that lead intake can be toxic to humans. Accidental or constant intake could result in serious health issues like weakness, anaemia, kidney and brain damage.

To ensure the well-being of the people living in the house or the office, it is also essential to follow certain safety procedures like a regular inspection for leaks, cleaning the sinks and toilets, clearing the clogs and reviewing the quality of the plumbing work done. Residents of the place should have contacts of professionals who offer plumbing in Upper North Shore Sydney, to minimize the risk of plumbing emergencies and ensure that the plumbing system is in good condition.