How Much Does It Cost To Get A Split System Air Conditioner Installation Done?

Due to today’s weather, it is no surprise that the heating and cooling system in our homes have been deemed necessary. Getting a replacement air conditioner or getting a new one is very challenging and costly if you don’t really know anything about it. There are a lot of air conditioner types which you can choose depending on your home needs. One of the most installed air conditioner types is the split system air conditioner. This article will guide you through the basics of split air conditioning installation and how much it will cost you.

Basics of Split Air conditioning installation

There are many things that you need to put in mind before installing a replacement or brand new split system air conditioner in your home. These are the things you need to know before you have your split system air conditioner installed.

  • Estimate the costs of installing a split system air conditioner. You can browse the web for nearby air conditioner installation companies in Perth or near your area. You can also ask some family and friends for recommendations. It is better to do a little research first before you hire someone so that you can be assured of the quality of service and maybe save a little. It’s all about making the right choices.
  • Estimate the time it will take for the installation to be completed. After hiring someone to do the installation for you, you can discuss the timeline of the installation. This is to make sure that you are not expecting too much and the installation company is not wasting your time. We all want the air conditioning unit to be installed quickly to have it up and running already, but we also have to bear in mind that they need to be installed securely to maximise its use. The average length of the installation is anywhere from 8-14 hours depending on your home’s structure and the air conditioning unit.
  • Test the unit. Once everything is installed, Split System Air Conditioning you have to make sure that everything is in place and inspected by professionals to avoid damages. See to it that all the components are working properly. You can also do several tests on its pressure and vacuum.

How much does it cost?

If you are planning to have a split system type of air conditioner installed in your home or office, you need to figure out first how much you are going to pay. The cost of the split system air conditioner installation on Perth will depend on several factors but it usually ranges between $400 and $900. Here are some of the factors which may affect the installation cost:

  • Brand of the split system air conditioner to be installed.
  • Access to the area where the external unit is to be placed.

Number of split system air conditioners to be installed. The good news is the cost of installation for the additional units will be decreased if you are planning to install more than one split system air conditioner.