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What To Do If You Find A Dead Rodent In Your House?

Dead Rodent

Finding out that one has a rodent issue in one’s home is the worst thing. However, finding out a deceased rodent definitely hikes up that “ick” factor. It might be a rodent that has been caught with any DIY methods, or one that the cat brought in. One should find out what should one do with it. Using Rat control specialist Brisbane however would not create such a problem.

Rodents like rats are well-known carriers of more than 35 diseases!  Thus, it must be kept in mind that it is extremely important that these rodents, a mouse or a rat are not handled directly.

These Are The Steps One Must Follow:

One must find himself or herself some rubber gloves. If one doesn’t have one of those nearby then a plastic bag which has been turned inside out also can be utilised to pick up the rodent. After that it should be sealed inside all in one fell swoop. However, in case the dead rat or mouse is in a trap, it is highly recommended that one must handle the trap exclusively with gloved hands. This shall be done in order to minimize the handler’s exposure to any kind of pathogens.

If one has spotted any rodent-soiled objects or nesting materials, it is advisable to remove these with gloved hands as well. One must be careful and add them to the bag in which the dead rodent is kept. Then that bag must be sealed tightly. There is no requirement to try to remove the additional air from the bag. That way all the germs are kept right in the bag! That is a very important part in Dead rodent removal Brisbane.

Now one can dispose off this bag with all its contents in the trash bin. One might also wish to double bag the contents. This prevents any foul smell from escaping the bag until pick up as well as the removal of the trash to an outside bin is also done. Washing the hands as well as any other potentially contaminated surfaces shall be kept in mind.

Ways To Prevent & Treat Rodent Infestation

If one has been found one dead rat or mouse, there are high chances that it could mean that there are many, many more which are hiding in one’s home or property. They are probably spreading disease-carrying droppings. They are even potentially creating a lot of costly damage.  Even if one has a pet cat, who is a deadly mouser, the pet is able to catch only the rodents that he or she can get to. Most mice and rats, have the tendency to hide inside the wall voids as well as other hard to reach areas. They have the capability to fit into various spaces which are as the size of a dime for a mouse and as small as a nickel for rat. This means that a lot of the time, the pet cat is out of luck.

Rat control specialist Brisbane believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the term of pest control this adage translates as searching for methods to make the home less attractive as well as harder to get into by pests, like rodents.

All the food sources shall be sealed which are located outside, in containers that are “rodent proof”. Things like bird seed, compost and trash all make very good food sources which will attract rodents to one’s home.

Another great idea is to keep the wood piles as well as the debris at a minimum of 20 feet away from one’s home. This is because these places tend to be the perfect home for rodents to seek shelter.

Examination of the exterior of one’s home very carefully, both in high places and low, shall be done as rodents are great climbers. Tiniest of gaps or openings are to be seen and a sealant or wire mesh is to be used to tighten up the home.

 Service Treatment By Specialists

More and more people these days are choosing to leave the inspection as well as the exclusion work to the professionals like Rat control specialist Brisbane.

The Pros of these services include:

Their knowledge to use them safely in order to eliminate the threat from one’s home in the most effective manner is also an added advantage. They do 24-hour rodent control Brisbane.

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