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The Six Major Benefits Of Calling A Professional To Unblock Your Drains

The Six Major Benefits Of Calling A Professional To Unblock Your Drains

You’ve probably seen the telltale signs of a blocked drain. Maybe the water is taking too long to drain away; perhaps your sink smells, or makes a gurgling sound? It’s not something to be ignored, or you’ll need an emergency plumber in Auckland. To avoid that, read the following benefits of getting your drains unblocked and maintained by a professional.

It Reduces The Chances Of A Blockage 

Imagine flushing your toilet and expecting the water to disappear down the bowl, but instead, it keeps rising until it overflows. That’s not something anyone would want to deal with, but it is what happens when you have a blockage in the drainage system. However, if you keep your pipes and drains maintained by a professional, the chances of this happening are slim. They can help reduce the possibility of a blocked drain by removing what could become a clog before it becomes an issue.

They Protect Your Home From Damage 

If you’ve never experienced minor flooding in your home, you can’t imagine the kind of damage you’ll be dealing with. There’s a mess everywhere; everything is wet – from carpeting to electrical wires and curtains. Wooden floors and furniture begin to swell, and the walls can even take on damp, leading to mould growth. All this drama from a blocked sink because you didn’t call a professional to maintain it. Even in three inches of water, you would have to throw ruined items away and repair water damage.

Clean Drains Improve Your Health 

Most of what goes down our sinks and drains is organic matter, such as food particles in the kitchen sink, hair and skin cells in the bath, and human waste down the toilet. And where there is organic matter, there are bacteria to break it down. This kind of bacteria can be dangerous for your health, especially if the water doesn’t drain away. Without the water flushing organic matter and bacteria down the drains, it continues to grow, which would make it a more significant risk to your health. But with a professional to clean them regularly, you’ll have healthy drains and a healthy family.

They Keep Your Pipes And Drains Healthy 

As mentioned, healthy pipes and drains are essential. When there’s a buildup of waste, debris, chemicals and other grime within your pipes and drains, it can eventually cause corrosion and damage. It takes time for chemicals and waste to corrode through a drain, so if you get a leak caused by negligence, you’ll know that there was ample time to prevent it! A small leak can be an irritating but quick fix; however, a large leak that has been ignored for too long can become a nightmare. But if they’re maintained, you won’t need to worry about the condition of your drains. Any impending damage will be resolved as soon as it’s noticed by the professional plumbers servicing your pipes.

Maintenance Saves Money Over Time 

One of the most common reasons why people skimp on maintaining their drains is because of the expense. However, ignoring apparent problems and not looking after your drains means that one day when the proverbial faeces hits the fan, it’ll be more expensive to get an emergency plumber in to resolve the problem.

Maintenance Speeds Up Drainage 

One of the first signs of a blocked drain is slow drainage. That means that when you pull the plug in the sink or bathtub, the water takes a very long time to drain away, whereas usually, it would have drained much faster. Slow drainage can be a nuisance. If you’re plunging your toilet often, cutting your showers short or stopping halfway to use the plunger, you definitely have an impending blockage. However, if you get a professional plumber to take a look, they can completely eliminate the nuisance by solving the problem.

When you need dental work, you go to the professional. You don’t ignore a toothache or do the repairs yourself. So when your drains are acting up, it shouldn’t be any different. It makes sense to call a professional plumber in to take a look at the problem. You’ll have unblocked drains before you know it! If you waste time by ignoring the issue, all you will do is incur more damage and higher costs. And when the blocked drain finally comes to a head, you’ll need an emergency plumber from Auckland to come out in the middle of the night. It’s better just to bite the bullet and sort the problem out early.

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