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Keep It Green – Tips For Reducing Your Commercial Operation’s Impact

waste management

We all understand the necessity of creating a more sustainable and green lifestyle for ourselves in order to preserve the planet and our futures. However, many businesses are still lacking in terms of how they are promoting or creating a more green atmosphere in their operations. There are a number of simple ways that organisations can become more sustainable in their actions, without necessarily requiring a dramatic overhaul of their processes. This article will be analysing some of the top tips for reducing your commercial operation’s impact, helping to keep your employees, customers, and the planet happy and healthy.

Keep Track of Office Supplies

Make sure you are keeping track of supplies in the office, monitoring how wasteful employees are being with supplies. It can also be useful to have your supply cabinet or wherever you keep supplies be under sofa set price supervision of one or two people who can directly monitor the stock. An education session on how to use supplies efficiently and not wastefully will also be a great step in ensuring you cut down on unnecessary waste.

Look at Power Saving Options

We forget that a significant section of our office power usage comes from machines that are on standby power and plugged into the wall. When we leave the office each day, we may power down our computer and other devices, but they still use a great deal of energy every night. Making sure you set monitors to power off after a certain amount of time, and turning devices off at the switch each day can not only save you on your electricity bill, but also help in reducing your environmental footprint.

Depending on the location of your office, you can also look at other more sustainable sources of power, such as solar. Such systems can be expensive to install at first, but you’ll be saving quite a bit of money in the long run, as well as positioning your office as a prominent figure in green office management.

Hire an Eco-Friendly Waste Management Company

For many businesses, the amount of waste that often gets disposed of incorrectly is quite staggering. Hiring eco-friendly waste management solutions to help with your commercial waste disposal process is an essential step in ensuring your business is heading in a more green direction. An eco-friendly waste management company will dispose of waste properly, and help recycle those items which are often just sent straight to landfill.

Such businesses can also help in organising scheduled bin pickups whereby you don’t have to rely on the usual bin pickups which are often late. They can also be valuable sources of information in letting you know the most appropriate bins and pick-up schedule to fit your organisation’s waste needs.

Reassess Your Lighting Needs

If you are fortunate enough to receive beautiful natural light in your office, then make the most of it! You don’t need to be wasting power during the day, if you can open your blinds or curtains to let the natural light flood your office. If appropriate, always make sure to turn all light sources off when you leave the office at night.

Consider using compact fluorescent bulbs, which use 75% less energy than the standard incandescent bulbs in an office. As a bonus measure, they actually tend to last around 10 times longer, so you won’t need to replace the bulbs as often, plus you’ll be saving on your electricity bill.

You should always be constantly reassessing your company’s environmental impact, looking for new ways to reduce your footprint. Staff education is a vital aspect of the process, and in combination with these tips, you can be more certain that your organisation is heading towards a more sustainable future.

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