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How To Study The Bible: 5 Tips For Beginners


Where should someone start if someone hasn’t read much of the Bible? Ever felt like reading a book written in an entirely different language? The Bible shouldn’t be approached with intimidation; rather, it should be approached with excitement to hear the Good News of God.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to study the Bible for beginners. Let’s discuss them one by one. As we go through these tips, be sure to pay special attention to tip #5.

1.) Always Start With Prayer

It’s so easy to get distracted when you sit down and read a book. Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and find your mind in a hundred different places all at once? Prayer helps you set aside the distractions of the day and focus on being present in the moment.

In addition, prayer also allows you to put aside your preconceived ideas, things that you think you already know, and allows you to enter the text with an open mind and to be able to consumer reports at that moment.

2.) Set A Consistent Time For Bible Studying

Especially when you’re just starting to read the Bible, it’s incredibly important to develop a habit of consistency. Many people like to choose to carve out a single time during the day-a time of day that they know can be consistent for them.

Many people choose to read the Bible early in the morning, usually before anything else is going on — like work — and while the house is still quiet and calm. If this doesn’t work for you and you find it hard to wake up in the morning, maybe lunchtime is better for you, or maybe ending the day by reading the Bible might work for you as well.

3.) Start With One Of The Four Gospels, Proverbs Or Go Online

This tip is especially recommended if it’s your first time to read the Bible. It’s highly recommended and encouraged to read about the life of Jesus. Many Christians would recommend the Gospel of John as a starting point.

You can also search online for ideas on where to start. Sites like, Christian Post, and bible gateway are some of the best examples to help you in reading your first scripture.

If you grew up in the church or are already familiar with the story of Jesus, another strong recommendation is to start with the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs has short, bite-sized, and easy to apply principles on how to live life better.

4.) Descriptive vs. Prescriptive

This tip will help you understand the Bible more clearly. There are two categories of scripture in the Bible: things that are descriptive, and things that are prescriptive. Being able to tell the difference between that which is prescriptive and that which is descriptive is key.

Parts of the Bible simply describe things that took place in history, while other parts of the Bible prescribe things for you to do — that is, they give you advice on how to live life.

 5.) Find A Spiritual Coach Or Mentor

In any aspect of life, whether you’re trying to learn the piano, learn a sport, cook, or in anything you want to do, one of the surest ways to make sure you grow is to have someone to help teach you.

Get involved with a great local church and find people in your area who have been in the faith longer than you, as they can help you answer some questions you might come across.


These are our top five tips for bible studying. Which of these tips resonated with you the most? Which was the most helpful? Whatever it is, be sure to apply it in your life and share it with friends and family.

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