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Exterra Bait Stations – Effective Eradication Of Termites From Your Home

Exterra Bait Stations – Effective Eradication Of Termites From Your Home

Termites are insects that live mostly on wood and can cause a lot of damage to properties if they go unnoticed. Sometimes, it is hard to eradicate these anti-like insects using the usual over-the-counter chemicals.

Fortunately, as the technology advances, stronger methods have come up such as termite baiting systems or exterra bait stations. As mentioned, termite control is a step that one should take immediately on discovering the signs of termite invasion.

Seek Professional Assistance 

If your house is highly infested with flying or ground termites, it’s recommended that you avoid handling the problem yourself. By so doing, you can be risking the well-being of your own; your family’s and pets around the house. That’s because you’ll be using deadly chemicals that are likely to be ineffective. Seeking professional assistance is the best move.

However, to clear termites in primary stages, exterra termite stations can be utilized together with some termite eradicating chemicals. Both are available at various pet supply stores online or at hardware shops near you.

Termite Bait Stations 

Termite bait stations happen to be more effective than conventional treatment methods, which have been utilized to eliminate visible termites. Exterra bait stations penetrate deeper into their colony and eradicate them permanently.

Termite control baits, especially these advance termite baits, provide a means for eradicating colonies of termites that may be putting structures into threats. These termites control chemicals that are used for aging termites that accidentally bump into them as they look for food resources.

How To Termite Bait Stations Work

Once a bait station is identified, and marked by the worker termites as a food resource, the stations then attract more and more termites. The first ones lay down a trail that directs others to the station and in that sense, they may attract termites but only after they are found with the random movements of the termites.

It’s interesting when you learn how this system functions. These termites’ traps or exterra bait stations come with poisonous chemicals. When the stakes are set up, the termites get attracted and feed on the poison. Also, they take it back to feed their colony. When consumed, the poison spreads, and the colony is terminated easily leaving your house free of termites.

How To Buying Termite Bait System

However, before you buy a termite bait system, it’s imperative to do some research online. There are many manufacturers of baiting systems and some sell them at affordable prices and are easy to install. That would need you to dig holes around the house to install the bait system with the chemicals. The cost can vary from a region to another, but they normally charge a few dollars to have the system for installation.

Other Methods Of Termite Eradication

You’ll discover that there are many methods of eradicating termites. Some of them include fumigation, the use of lethal gas, chemicals, or heat. Sometimes, combining all these methods with a termite baiting system can be very effective. Many online reviews have suggested that this is one of the best practices, especially for those who live near water bodies like lakes.

Exterra bait stations are easy to install and maintain. However, you can find professionals to help you if you need to. Go through online reviews and compare various prices. You can also talk to experts to gain more knowledge. That will help you to acquire the best termite baiting system that can keep your home free of termites.


It’s never a fun thing dealing with termites. You can spend years without eliminating termites from your home completely. However, it’s possible to get rid of them if you know the best techniques to use. Exterra bait systems are effective and more reliable than the traditional methods of termite control. If you have something that you don’t understand, seek professional assistance to help you clear your doubts.

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