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Availability Of Tree Care Service In Melbourne At The Time Of Covid 19

Tree Care Service


COVID-19 has created a mess no one in the world really expected. People are dying every day because of it, and we still don’t have an assured cure or vaccination available against the virus. These are scary times and social distancing seems to be the only solution at this point. However, we cannot stop our entire life simply because a virus has taken over the world. When you look at the bigger picture, the virus really is an intangible problem, while there can be far more threatening scenarios needing immediate attention right in front of you, just like a hazardous tree in your garden. This basically puts some tree care services under the essential category. Read on to find out when it would be an emergency for you to call for such a service.

Tree care service is essential in COVID-19 crisis

Helping you out in the garden may not as big of an emergency that there will be a need to break the lockdown measures, but there are certain aspects of tree care service which are absolutely essential to ensure everyone’s safety.

Which tree care services in Melbourne are identified as essential

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) has deemed the following as essential services:

How do you recognise the emergency cases to call for tree care services

You can easily take care of some issues regarding your trees by yourself, but some others will need special attention. Even if you notice them in the middle of lockdown, don’t hesitate to call a professional arborist.

Trees are live organisms just like humans, and sometimes they contract a disease. Sometimes the disease is curable, but a lot of the times it is not, and can cause harm to your garden and needs removal.

If you see a spot on your tree where there is no bark, this may be a sign of a disease called “tree canker”. If the spot grows, it can damage the whole tree and eventually it may fall down. It is time to call a professional tree care service to take a look at it.

Yellow or red lines around the leaves of your tree is the indication of a contagious bacterial infection called “leaf scorch”. This spreads very quickly to the entire tree or through your whole garden via insects. So the infected tree must be removed.

No matter what the cause is – a storm or a disease, there are some unavoidable signs of decay that you will notice if your tree is dying and about to fall down. If more than 50% of the tree is decayed, removing the tree is an emergency.

If your tree’s branches are turning brown or if it is not growing the branches back, or there are splitting signs in the trunk, it can be a sign of decay. A decay usually takes over very fast and soon your tree may be ruined from the inside and fall down. It is best to remove it before that happens.

If leaves of your tree are shed or are turning shrivelled or discoloured in the summer or spring, it is not a good sign. You may even hear some creaking and moaning from the weight of its limbs. It is a sign that the tree needs to be removed as soon as possible.

Budding every year is the sign of a healthily growing tree. Your tree sometimes gets dormant for a year, but if your tree hasn’t been budding for two years in a row, it may be a sign for an underlying health issue proceeded too far and you should remove this tree.

Fungi only feed on dying or dead organic matter. While some fungi on your tree is normal, if the trunk of your tree is completely covered in fungi, your tree might be dying. It is important that you opt for a tree and stump removal at this point as it may spread further thereafter.

Sometimes your tree’s basic foundation may cause harm to you, your neighbours, or the passers-by. Tree removal may become critical in a situation like this.

If your tree’s roots have grown so strong that it is evidently destroying the pavement or spreading its roots all over the lawn, it may put your house’s structure in jeopardy, and it is time to call tree removal services.

The sap from your tree can harm a vehicle’s paint and bring about the growth of mildew, or a tree may grow too huge branches which reach over to your neighbours’ area. It is better to take care of this before your neighbours can complain.

Some trees lean naturally, which is okay. However, if a sudden new lean appears, especially one that is more than 15 degrees from its usual vertical position, it is time to call an expert arborist to get it checked, as this may be a sign of internal decay and a precursor to collapse.

If you find out that the trunk of a tree has become hollow, you never really know when it can fall down. So it is smart to remove the tree promptly.

Precautions we are taking to keep everyone safe

We understand that at this time of COVID-19 crisis, safety is paramount. So not only we take wholesome safety precautions in our office, we follow every rule when we come over to your property to conduct an unavoidable tree care service.

For the employees

Our employees follow strict instructions from the organisation as below:

While in your property

Even at your property, there are strict instructions left for the employees to follow:


When you find some or all of these signs that your tree requires removal, don’t be afraid to consult our professional tree care service in Melbourne. A hazardous tree removal comes under essential services, and we perform it with utmost care and safety.

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